COVID 19 Update

Covid Update - January 2022

Due to the current Covid situation and to ensure that all my students are kept as safe as possible, I will again only be offering Lessons online via Zoom.

Thank you for your continued support and Happy New Year!

If you have any questions please contact me



Covid Update - March 2021

I am so excited to be offering face-to-face singing lessons again, whilst continuing to offer online lessons for students who would prefer to sing from home!

Here at Jessica Davies Singing School, we have social distancing of 2m at all times and parents can be reassured that students & teacher will never come within closer contact.

Hand sanitiser & wipes are available on entry and exit from lessons and all equipment, door handles, surfaces etc. are cleaned thoroughly between each lesson.

Please allow 5 minutes cross-over time between singing lessons to ensure each student has a clean & organised singing environment for their lesson.

Please make sure I have up to date contact details for a Parent/Guardian/Partner.

Singing Lesson Checklist

  • MASK : Please wear a mask to and from your singing lesson.
  • WATER BOTTLE : Water will not be available during your lesson, so please ensure you bring a drink with you.


As per the government guidelines; if you or a member of your household have been or feel unwell, or have any Covid like symptoms, please DO NOT COME TO YOUR SINGING LESSON.

Thank you for your continued support and I can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces either online or in person!

If you have any questions please contact me



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